
A Validator is an entity that participates in the consensus process by sharing its votes. Validators get rewarded for creating new blocks, and to become a Validator, they must “bond” or lock up a certain amount of coins as stake. The amount of stake held by validators determines their power in the consensus.

Validator Structure

The Validator structure is 120 bytes long and consists the following fields:

Public Key96 bytes
Number4 bytes
Stake8 bytes
Last Bonding Height4 bytes
Unbonding Height4 bytes
Last Joined Height4 bytes
  • Public Key is the Validator’s public key.
  • Number is a sequential and unique number assigned to each validator when it is created for the first time. The validator number is used to calculate the state hash of the blockchain.
  • Stake holds the Validator’s stake or the amount of Pactus coins locked or “staked” by the Validator.
  • Bonding Height is the last block height that the validator has bonded their stake.
  • Unbonding Height is the block height that the validator’s stake is unbonded.
  • Last Joined Height is the block height that the validator joined the committee.
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