
Consensus parameters are a set of configurable settings that determine how the Pactus blockchain operates. These parameters are agreed upon by all validators in the network, ensuring that validators behave in the same way and that the network operates consistently.

Here is the list of the consensus parameters:

  • Block Version: The version number of the blockchain protocol. This is set to 1.
  • Block Time: The time interval in seconds between the creation of two consecutive blocks. This is set to 10 seconds, which means that a new block is created every 10 seconds.
  • Committee Size The number of validators in the committee. This is set to 51 validators.
  • Block Reward The fixed reward amount given to the validator who successfully creates and proposes a new block. This is set to 1,000,000,000, which is equivalent to one coin.
  • Time-to-Live Interval: The number of blocks that a transaction can remain unprocessed before it is removed from the transaction pool. This is set to 8640 blocks, which is almost one day.
  • Bond Interval: The minimum number of blocks that must elapse after a validator has submitted a bond transaction before they can participate in the consensus process and join the validator committee. This is set to 360 blocks, which is almost one hour.
  • Unbond Interval: The minimum number of blocks that must elapse after a validator has submitted an unbond transaction before they can withdraw their staked coins. This is set to 181440 blocks, which is almost 21 days.
  • Sortition Interval: The maximum number of blocks that a sortition transaction can remain valid and be included in a block. This is set to 7 blocks.
  • Fee Fraction: Deprecated.
  • Minimum Fee: Deprecated.
  • Maximum Fee: Deprecated.
  • Maximum Stake: The maximum amount of coins that can be staked by a validator. This is set to 1,000,000,000,000 (satoshi), which is 1000 PAC coins.
  • Minimum Stake: The minimum amount of coins that can be staked by a validator. This is set to 1,000,000,000 (satoshi), which is 1 PAC coins.
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